A.M.B. Human Resource Pvt.Ltd. is one of the most reliable names for availing Human Resource Solution in Nepal. We providethe companies with the proficient workforce on one hand, and provide impetus to the job seekers,which can give a boost to their careers. We help the companies to save time and extra efforts required to select candidates that match their business requirement,we act as a platform for the talented job seekers,who are not geeting what they deserve.Additionally,our expert team,comprising of recruiters,trainers and HR consultants,is always ready to bridge the gap between the right oppurtunity and the right talent.
Our Mission
A.M.B. Human Resource Pvt.Ltd. specialities in helping to provide right human resources to the clients in all aspects/features of the business start-up cycle from concept to operation
Our VIsion
The vission of A.M.B. Human resource is to be a recognized and well known leader in the region by fulfilling the dream of clients,i.e.foreign companies,via providing manpower recruiting services to foreign companies. This will assist to strengthen the financial condition of the country as well as the employers. It will further assist to achieve rapid profitable growth by ensuring that our clients needs are satisfied in an efficient and cost effective manner.
- To provide global overseas employment opportunity for qualified,skilled,trained,sincere and enthusiastic Neapalese worrkers.
- To make a trustworthy connection between employee and the employer.
- To assist for uplifting country’s economic status by providing quality and qualified manpower to the world and helping the government to increase the volume of foreign currency revenue.
- To help share, learn and explore further advancement for Nepalese existing manpower.
- To provide efficient and effective human resources for required jobs and help Nepalese government in reducing unemployment problem.